If I could tell the world just one thing It would be that we're all OK And not to worry 'cause worry is wasteful And useless in times like these I won't be made useless I won't be idle with despair I will gather myself around my faith
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Feeling Strange
Meanwhile, Andy and Aaron have returned from their trip to St Louis with my mom and dad, Aaron seems to have caught quite a cough. Hmmm... so now I wonder ... should I be worried about that?! I feel guilty, as if I have given all my energy to Alex and left the younger boys in limbo. I can't win this conversation with myself.
As for tomorrow, Alex is returning to public school, online-homeschooling just isn't for him. He will have a modified schedule with a late start written into his IEP so it allows for any medical issues. I'm uneasy about setting him loose again. I enjoyed having him under my wing the last few months, but at this point I have to accept that I am not the answer to his learning disabilities. I can't be sure public school is the answer, but I know the only private school in this area is 3,000.00 a year and the money fairy hasn't been visiting lately. Admitting defeat is a tough pill to swallow.
I'm looking forward to getting back into the swing of things. We are still scheduled to have Christmas on the Outer Banks. It will be good for all of us to get away and find some solitude and rest for a few days.
There is so much more going on but I suppose I will save that for another post. Just felt like writing tonight. So there ya have it. Strangeness!
Monday, December 7, 2009
It was not such a good day a few days ago
Let me build the picture, my mom is driving, Alex is sitting behind her in one of the extended cab seats and I'm in the passenger seat. I remember in slow motion looking over my shoulder at the source of this horrible scream and seeing his eyes in the back of head, his whole entire body thrashing , it seemed as though he had stopped breathing, froth at the mouth. He is 5'8 , weighs 160. He is banging his head back against the glass window, his arms are hitting at my mom over the seat , legs pushing her seat forward as far as possible. We are in the middle of a busy state route. I leap as far into the backseat as possible trying to hold down his limbs and protect his head, and keep him from thrashing my mom. We are in mid transit to my work , so I am screaming at my mom to hammer it so we can get him to the hospital. He has not had a grand mal seizure in 10 years. This is scary, that is such a weak word for what I was feeling. The last time we experienced a grand mal he was small , I could protect him, I could hold him.
Realizing we were better off to stop at my employment and then call a squad we took that route. When we arrived at my job , he had started vomiting , that's normal for this type of seizure. I realized he had bitten off the tip of his tongue. The guys from work rushed out to get him out of the small backseat and we layed him flat . He came back to us for a few minutes and then began with more mycolonic jerks , strong enough that he had fallen unresponsive again. The ambulance shows up and instantly gives him oxygen and starts an IV with anti convulsant drugs. They cart him to the ER where it seems like an eternity before he stirs and gives us any indication that he is waking up. He ended up with some really sore muscles from all the seizures, a few bruises from hitting himself against things and grabbing parts of his body, and of a bit of his tongue gone.
I haven't even been remotely the same since. I moved his bedroom back into Andy and Aaron's room. I sleep with one eye and two ears open. I am a mess. He tells me I overreact. Its crazy how he is ready to move past this and forget it happened and I keep reliving it every time I close my eyes. I completely and logically understand that millions of people have seizures everyday. I can't get over seeing his body completely taken over and feeling so helpless to relieve him of the pain. I am certain the adrenaline didn't leave my body for 3 days at least. I had believed we were past him having grand mal seizures, I was wrong. One of the worst feelings is knowing I can't predict them, I can't stop them , feeling completely and utterly helpless at the mercy of his electrical brain activity. Knowing that I have fought so hard to keep them at bay and feeling like I have failed him. Why after 10 years did the big one have to come back? I had grown accustomed to his small myoclonic jerks, his tonic seizures. This I was blindsided with.
I didn't mean to write a book, I needed a place to put it into perspective. I'm amazed that we can do so many medical miracles but we can't cure seizures. It makes me heartsick to think of other children going through this. All I want for him is what every parent wants for their children. I feel helpless and I hate that. Thank You for letting me vent on my blog :-/
Saturday, November 28, 2009
The Mrs.
I know people who have shut themselves off to emotion , to humankind . That's not where I want to be,but I'm drawing the line . Its long overdue to start trimming the people and situations in my life that are toxic. I think I'm done playing "Mrs. Nice" , and I'm ready to be" Mrs. Show me some respect".
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Big Decisions
" sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers simple "
Maybe that makes it harder for me, I tend to believe there isn't ever a simple answer . I over think, over analyze, lets face it... I'm over the top sometimes. Which brings me to whats been going on these days. First , Doug and I have both started back to school. We have a long road to go, but its a start. We are both taking classes for Social Sciences but intend on using them in different ways.
Second, I'm thinking that somewhere in the near future I am sending Alex back to public school. I know .. * gasp * just the thought makes me break out in a sweat, just knowing how nasty some of the kids can be to him. I suppose my thought process with this is a bit all over, but , he asked if he could go back , he misses some friends and the routine. He is one of those that thrives on routine. The online school he is with , is not to gung-ho on routine. The teachers aren't readily accessible , and he is not thriving at all. I don't know that shoving him back into the old grind is the answer, so I plan on having a meeting with the powers that be to see if we can accommodate him a bit more. We will see. I know in the past I've been to stand offish with his teachers. Not so much these days.
The other decision we are making is to spend Christmas at the beach this year. Nothing extravagant, a simple condo with an indoor pool and all the goodies. A 4 night stay, not an entire week. Enough to get away and relax. My side of the family is not into the whole Christmas thing. In fact I am probably the only one on my side of the family that puts up a tree. Doug's family probably won't even notice we are gone , not that I'm saying that in a negative way, more like we all get caught up in our own mumbo jumbo and tend to forget each other sometimes. Nothing like a little Christmas Cheer these days...LOL. Maybe that's why I just wanted my boys to have a memorable Christmas , not with gifts , but memories.
Yes sometimes the answers are so simple. I just have a hard time accepting them.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Friends & Family
Monday, October 26, 2009
How its been going...
Helping Alex with his online school has been like shoving a hundred hot dogs in my mouth and swallowing without chewing. Odd comparison but some days I feel like I am choking on schoolwork with him. I've decided it was the best choice for him, but I have to desperately grasp to find the sunny side up for me. I keep reminding myself its not about me.
I've come to the conclusion that there are some real idiots on eBay. I listed our pop up camper on eBay twice, had someone drive from Tennessee to Ohio only to back out of it because he failed to read the description. The second time , my purchaser was from Kansas and couldn't figure out why I couldn't ship it. REALLY?! I could hardly even justify any answer for that one. Third time must be a charm, my buyer was from Ohio and came to pick up it yesterday and happy as a clam!
Keeping in the spirit of doing new things this year, I went to my first haunted house with Alex, Doug, my niece and nephew. I perhaps had a bit much alcohol trying to calm my nerves , and promptly peed my pants the entire way through it. I don't mind though, I haven't laughed and screamed so much in my entire life.
There is just one more weekend left in October, with any luck we will be hiking through Hocking Hills next weekend trying to soak up all the last bits of sunshine we can! I just need to find the right cruising altitude so that I'm not outside my head with busy-ness!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Letting Go!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Hanging On
Monday, October 5, 2009
A weighty issue
I am at my highest weight... ever. Even 9 months preggers I weighed 50 pounds less then now. The doctors office did a battery of tests on me, surely someone at my weight would have health complications, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, ... something.. thankfully, I am healthy as a horse. Just fat. The doctor scratched his head in amazement that I had no other health issues. I will take that as a positive. Being this healthy though negated my qualifications for bariatric surgery. Now what? I cried the whole way home , I didn't have any answers, I wanted it fixed , now. Anyone who has battled the weight demon knows it doesn't happen just like that. I've been on diets before , losing 20 pounds and then regaining 30 and back and forth. The old teeter totter effect. Now its to the point where 20 or 30 pounds lost isn't going to be enough.
I'm not completely oblivious to what got me here, first of all, my genes are Amish, my momma knows how to cook a mean meal, we like our bread and real butter! My grandparents owned a bakery. The odds were so stacked against me :-) Suffice it to say, I know good food, I really really like good food.
My next battle was postpartum depression, I went on medications after each birth, and yep , gained weight on each medication. Even though I went off the medications years ago, the weight didn't go with it .
I'm not looking to be a crazy skinny size, I don't even have a number in my head weight wise. I just know I need to feel better, I need to be able to move better, and not feel so sluggish. I'm not willing to completely give up my pizza and pastries, but I have figured out that using the weight watchers point system is working thus far. I've lost 6 pounds in 2 weeks, and in that 2 weeks I've eaten pizza from the local pizza shop, cream sticks from an Amish bakery, and french fries from the fair. I'm not buying any weight watchers food either, I've just become ultra aware of my eating triggers and what I'm reaching for. I haven't been hungry and I don't feel like I've been cheated . Its to early to tell if this is going to be a complete success but I'm hopeful.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
It has to be said
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
I've been ever so slightly busy
This month I've also come to terms with my weight, I'd like to announce some big old diet that's going to work wonders on me, but I'm really trying to be realistic about it. Anyone who knows my family would say that I'm pretty similar to my Aunt Katie ... round, very round. I mean that in a good way -- she is cute as a button , I just don't want to run into the same health problems she has , but its safe to say I am her . So its one day at a time, eating a balanced diet ... ( so much for my Reese cups and mt dews!! ) and learning to be more active. Gosh that's a tall order!
I hate even referring to it, it makes me ill, but to those wondering , we reported Andy's stalker to the proper people and hopefully they will take care of the rest. That's been a tough lesson to learn.
Aaron has been dragging along a low grade fever the last couple of days , I'm trying to be calm about it , the first thing my mom suggested was the swine flu. I'm not willing to go that far .. yet. Andy's seems to have taught Aaron the old " hold the thermometer on the light bulb trick .... and I keep finding him reading books with a flashlight well after bedtime. Hmmm.... I'm starting to put two and two together.
Other then the normal mumbo jumbo and adjustment to homeschooling Alex, crazy Internet predators, and a may or may not be fever ridden child.. I've scratched my way through September . On the positive side, Alex got his first deer of the season tonight and I cannot wait to get the meat back! So bring on October, it can only get better !
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
a sickening experience
As much as I try to hover over my boys, to know every move before they make it, I can't always catch things the minute they happen. Even without a cell phone , or Internet access, the dangers are huge, we have 2 sex offenders living within a baseballs throw of our house and God knows how many are out there undetected. So if the predator is not coming in through electronic devices, they are lurking elsewhere. I can't put my boys in a bubble , this is a heart wrenching reminder that I need to educate them more then ever, that not everyone has good intentions.
I know someone who was molested for years by a trusted teacher , and church member .... and no one caught it . So yes , the electronic age makes it more convenient for these sick people, but if we are vigilant as parents we can keep ahead of the wolf.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
a quickie catch up
I haven't blogged much lately, the last week has been a blur, I took a giant leap of faith and withdrew Alex from public schooling and started him with online classes through Ohdela , his laptop and printer along with some books arrived today and it looks like its time to jump in the frying pan and see what I'm really made of. That is overwhelming for me to think of, I just need to have faith in myself and Alex that we can do this.
Somehow it just feels like another chapter in my life is starting, the pages have turned without my consent, but its forcing me to demand better for myself, my children, my family. So , as with everything , life moves on at its own pace and I'm hanging on for dear life .
Monday, August 31, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Me, the Enabler
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Pieces of me
Sunday, August 16, 2009
What they've been up to!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Forward Ho!
Monday, August 3, 2009
2 hospitals, 1 Ambulance, & 9 hours later
I was praying for both of our lives in the back of that ambulance, the driver was young, talking on his cell phone and jamming out to music and FLYING. The older medic in the back with us had to keep telling him slow down. Holy Smokes that was scary. After making it to Akron, they finished cleaning out his stomach, stopped the bleeding, and removed about 7 tubes from his body. They also gave him some morphine for pain, and that was almost funny, he was seeing rainbows, and smiley faces on that stuff ;o) Basically what had happened is the steroid he had been on for 5 days had eroded his stomach and he had been bleeding from his belly. He is on a strict diet for the next week, and has 3 meds to take for his stomach for the next 8 weeks. He has slept most of today and that's a good sign, no more vomiting, no more blood from strange places. So I think I will try to catch up on my sleep too!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
What I can say is that, it has made me slow my pace , think about my life, my relationships with family, and friends. Who I need to be, want to be, and what I'm not.
Lately I've felt as if I'm just existing, going through the motions , treading water, just keeping my head above the waves. Until this week, the waves pounded at my heart, at my body, at my mind. Daring me to let it get the best of me. After the initial surge , I felt as if my eyes had been cleared , if even for a moment. It was clearer then ever who I didn't want to become, that I need to give the boys the wings they need to fly. Its been a battlefield inside my head, but I'm feeling better about the direction things are headed. Its never easy for me to see my friends & family struggle, or their heartaches, but it stirred something deep inside me that had been dormant for a very long time. Maybe one day I will have the right words to say in their time of need, maybe I will know exactly what to do to help .....
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Wahoo ! Its Over!
Today was also the end of the season party for Aaron's baseball team, Aaron's coach would like to bump him up next year to the minor leagues instead of coach pitch. Ummm... NO. Aaron will be 8 in October but he only weighs 40 pounds soaking wet! We are talking about 9-10 year old boys pitching to my little man. The thought makes me cringe! Other than that conversation, we had lots of good food and let the kids run rampant, they needed that .
If anyone is wondering how Alex's horse experience went, it was awesome. He was on the BIGGEST horse I've ever seen in my life, I had my camera but ... didn't have the nerve to snap a pic... the horse's name was trigger... wonder if that means anything.... Next time though I will take some pics, I think Alex is a natural on a horse.
Now, we just have Andy's end of the year party to host next Saturday , I'm looking forward to more good food, some cornhole, a bonfire, and just plain relaxing!
I'm in complete denial that school starts in about a month. YIKES!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
A Solid 5
I know I don't function with all my cylinders running on the amount of sleep I get each night , I find myself making mistakes with the finances, appointments, work related things, even medications I have managed to mix up. This lack of sleep is wrecking havoc on me! Is a solid 5 hours of sleep asking for to much? I could have real potential with that much sleep under my belt!
Monday, July 6, 2009
one more piece of the puzzle
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Sunday Late Edition
The baby coon we rescued had to be released, he managed to cross over into the rabbits cage, and although he did them no harm, he looked like he could snap at any given minute.
Alex decided not to go to epilepsy camp this summer, the epilepsy foundation moved it farther away from home and he wasn't willing to be that far away for a week. We learned from last years camp that he really enjoys horses. We have been scratching our heads trying to figure out how to use that to our advantage. I have enough yard that I could have a horse for him, but I'm not willing to make that big of a commitment to such a large animal. What I came across is a horse farm only a few miles from me that specializes in horse riding and training kids with disabilities such as epilepsy and aspbergers . Eureka! He is going in tomorrow evening for his intake appointment. Programs like this give me incredible hope.
The 4th of July was gone in a heartbeat, we spent our day at Brian & Diane's , cooking out, playing corn hole, and basketball, letting the kids run rampant!
The next few weeks should slow down a bit , Alex will still be with his bowling league Wednesday nights, Andy has one more tournament to play in ,the boys have swimming lessons and we will have our big after party for the baseball team on the 25Th.
No , there isn't any earth shattering news to blog about, Just my life unwinding one day at a time
Monday, June 29, 2009
starting off the week

Sunday, June 28, 2009
Things I Think About
- if you knew your friend was being cheated on by his/her spouse , would you tell them?
- why do people work so hard on making their lives *look* good when they are miserable? this one really bothers me, its like living a lie...
- religion is incredibly powerful - good & evil -
- who are we to judge Michael Jackson?
- where are parents these days? society has gone mad...
- why does have Alex have seizures? ( medically speaking I know ) I am looking for a deeper understanding
- forgiveness is difficult, painful , and beautiful
- I need to go back to school
- is it possible to be satisfied? or are we as people always striving for something *more *?
- if you don't have trust, you have nothing
- how do you tell an adult to stop whining, and feeling sorry for themselves?
- why do I feel so guilty every night while I'm laying in bed, mentally paging through the days activities and feeling like I missed those moments with the boys , that I can't have back!
- why are the words * I'm sorry * so difficult to say and mean
- why is adoption so difficult ? yet we as a society will give back someones kids that is verbally , emotionally , and physically abusive.
well that's just a sampling of what flys through my mind constantly, I'll try to catch some zzzz's , as its almost 3 AM .
Friday, June 26, 2009
Just Breathe
Monday, June 22, 2009
Fathers Day
Friday, June 19, 2009
Mr Coon
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Over It
Nextly... I just love using that word, not that I'm even sure its a word. I am utterly peeved that I allowed Alex to stay at his friends house for the night, and his friends mom decided to "go out" that night . She didn't get home until the wee hours of the morning, leaving Alex and his friend alone most of the night. I realize they only live a few doors down, and that they are 14. Would I have consented to this sleep over if I had known she was going to be gone? NO. I would like to think that Alex has a good head on his shoulders.. however, he is 14, hormone's out of control, and itching for independence. I need to mention that this town is full of unsupervised girls and all kinds of access to illegal substances . Enough said on that one. Am I being dramatic? I'd like to think not. I just expect adults to act with some shred of common sense , and decency . God help that little hussy of a mom if Alex had a seizure while on her watch.
OK, if you have actually finished reading this post, thank you for bearing with me while I went off the deep end of an empty swimming pool , hopefully my sanity will return at the end of the baseball season.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
So normally I would just click on Yes , accept . I loved this girl! She had my back many times! But then there is that little devil on my shoulder wondering if her intentions are pure. I admit I've added friends just so I could be nosy and snoop around there pages. As looney as it sounds, I feel if I accept an invite that I'm allowing the person into my personal space , and yes, I have spacial issues. That's putting it mildly. Well my little life has regained its course , 50 miles away , and people from years ago are slowly trickling into my friend request box . I guess its time to suck it up and be a big girl about it.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
back to reality
Monday, June 1, 2009
so far....
Its only been one full day into our vacation and we have boogie boarded, fished, sat in the surf, eaten seafood, and yes those pina colada's I've been talking about. As luck would have it, there was a major issue with the home we had rented so we were upgraded to a 6 bedroom , 5 bath house. It has 5 floors and two huge decks overlooking the ocean that we spent quite a bit of time laying on tonight staring the stars and just being speechless . Nature is amazing!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
We're outta here!


We Are Outta Here! OK, maybe not technically... but in less then 24 hours... we are outta here and on our way to North Carolina, to the beach. I haven't completely packed up things yet, I'm a professional procrastinator... or maybe I just function better under pressure. Anyways, I thought I would share a few pics of where we are staying. I'm taking my laptop , thank goodness our little cottage has wireless internet! Maybe I'll post a few real time pics from there, or I might be a little to busy drinking pina coladas & strawberry daiquiris... maybe...
Saturday, May 23, 2009
On another note, I was reading through someones blog -- randomly-- no one I know . Who also had a son with epilepsy and cured the seizures with the ketogenic diet. I think that's wonderful , but my beef is the way the blog was written made it seem as if having epilepsy was some sort of punishment from God. Alex also read this blog and it stirred up many emotions from him I didn't even know where there. He demanded to know why God would punish him , that obviously the God I have presented as a parent , that he has learned about , that he prays to , would not punish him with seizures. Life is inexplicable sometimes, why do some people have illnesses that others don't? That blog really buttered my biscuits. I've been stewing over it for days now. I know its time to let it go, I guess its my first time getting caught up in "blog drama" , and a heads up that what I write , and write about doesn't stop at my screen , that people could perceive what I'm writing as the opposite of what I'm truly conveying.
Also in the last few weeks Alex was diagnosed with Aspergers , I'm still learning what that means, all I know is that --things finally make sense --yes I have put him on more medication , that was a struggle for me, but we are seeing many positive changes, he is really enjoying being him . Someday I could write a book on the life of Alex Adkins. He is far beyond his almost 15 year old age. Oddly, Yahoo had a front page article this past week on how epilepsy and aspergers share a common gene, and the two often travel hand in hand. Of course this information would have helped years ago but right now its time to heal and to embrace whatever God has planned for each of us, move on , and live life.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Vacation Time
The next step is to figure out how to get my ducks in a row ! I've got to do some laundry , sift through the droves of clean unfolded clothes and pack the troops up! I have a serious habit of over thinking things so I just need to jump in the fire! I'm going to have to ignore the next 8 baseball games and bowling leagues until I've got a handle on the insanity ;o)
Watch out --there is going to be a whole lotta crazy over here!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
a little man with many intrests
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
4 Years Ago
- The word "home" is pronounced "HOUUME"
- "Washing" really means " WARSHING "
- Its perfectly normal to hear gun shots any hour of the day and its not a big deal...
- We are definitely out numbered by deer
- The post office and hardware still close for lunch time
- EVERYONE chews tobacco -- even the ladies
- If you wear anything other then jeans , people wonder what your up to
- Our town still has one of those old fashioned fire sirens, the first time I heard it I thought we were under enemy attack
- Frog gigging and bow fishing are common
- The only radio station I get in plays gospel, rap, rock, alternative, country, and hosts a two hour morning talk show where the locals call in and complain about EVERYTHING
These aren't necessarily the most important changes I've noticed , but they sure got my attention. Don't get me wrong, I would move all over again, we have met some incredible people, made many new friends, and this area is beautiful! People here are friendly, almost to a fault. Its good to live " in town" but have a backyard that goes into the woods and river . I think I might be getting spoiled by the small town life, and that's just fine with me ;o)
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mothers Day

Thursday, May 7, 2009
More Baseball!
Andy's season is finally up and running~! I actually remembered the camera this time! They are undefeated this season , yeah yeah ... its early in the season ! Andy hit his first home run earlier this week , and at tonight's game they shut the other team down with a 24-2 final score! Andy did a great job pitching , and stole home tonight! I think they have a great team this year, we will see!