Monday, June 29, 2009

starting off the week

Yep its Monday , and this week is off to a crazy start ~ tonight , Andy's team advanced in the playoffs even further, they are 1 game away from the championship & Andy was picked for the all star team! YAY! In other news.. Doug is off this week but seems to have a serious problem with youtube .... its like an addiction, give him some mt dew and youtube and he is a happy for hours ! Alex is suffering his first real heartbreak, wow , I have forgotten how it feels to be 14 and have your heart crushed... Aaron has a new obsession with fishing, there is a tremendous farm pond that we have access to and the fish there are monsters! He would fish from dawn to dark if he was allowed to . He has gotten to the point of being without bait, and still throwing out his line... hoping the fish will just bite on the hook. What a crazy beginning to a crazy week....

Go Warsaw Warriors!!

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