Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I wouldn't forget!

I didn't forget ... honestly! My Andy turned 11 on January 23rd , I wanted to wait until I had pics to supply on the blog ;o) He is my fiercly independent little man and I truly treasure all the help he gives me!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Its been a long month

I suppose this post is a long time coming. January is always a hard month for me. Its dark, the weather is nasty and for some reason, it makes me not so happy. Its been a tough month , there just isn't any other way to put it. We have had some real challenges right here in Adkins-ville. The boys must be going through a phase, a challenging mom phase. It just seems as though everyone is wound to tight, and the smallest issues turn into modern warfare. I'm hoping its a very short phase, some days I really question my sanity. I guess the burning question in mind right now is that I wonder why there are some mothers who live in complete oblivion to their own children's behaviors. I'm not trying to open a can of worms, because believe me, my boys... oh lord have mercy, They are just plain rotten sometimes. ( and that's putting it nicely ) . Perhaps I have issues when my children are corrected by other peoples mothers who don't correct their own children. Fair to say that's my pet peeve. I just had to put that one out there.
As for everything else, I'm struggling and clawing my way through a psychology course , I only have another week to go thankfully. The final paper is a 5-8 page paper on myself. I really think they should have picked a different subject. I am having a terrible time writing about myself. Blah!
So as negative as this post may seem , I truly am thankful for all my friends who have dragging me and my debbie downer attitude along the way.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


The new year has started and it so hard to believe! I'm not into making resolutions as such, but I was thinking that its a really great time to examine the direction I'm headed in. I have slacked in posting to my blog the last month or so. Things have been crazy beyond words. Situations have arisen that have left me shell shocked and dumbfounded. Enough that I want to retreat to an isolated island. Preferably somewhere warm since its in the negatives here. One of the few bright spots in the last month was the trip to North Carolina over Christmas.
Having said all of that, I can say that this year I will try my best to improve my sense of awareness, and personal responsibility. I don't want the next year to slip by without knowing I have improved not only my life but the lives of others. I know that sounds like a tremendous mountain to climb, but I'm determined. Perhaps these situations have been presented to me to awaken me, to make me rise to the occasion . I don't know ... but I'm going to try.