Saturday, June 13, 2009


This has been a topsy turvy week for sure. Coming back from a dreamy week at the beach is always a huge dose of reality in the face, no holds barred! Above and beyond all that, there is a burning subject flickering in my mind. Isn't it amazing how many people you can find online via facebook or myspace just to name a few sites. I'm not the most social person on earth, I have very few really good friends. That's just me, how I am, how I function. I have many people I talk with , or what I consider to be acquaintance's. Somewhere on TV I heard someone say " I will not like you , before I like you " as strange and odd as that sounds I find that phrase fits me pretty well. Not that I'm condoning it . For now , it fits me. So when I log on to my facebook account and see I have a friend request from someone I worked with 5 years ago. I have all these feelings rushing through me, I left that job , which I had for about 10 years , abruptly. I had some HUGE personal issues happening, I am quite sure I didn't treat many people as I should have on my way out , I made some poor decisions , didn't know which way my life was going. Suffice it to say I was lost. I've never been back , and only on rare occasions get an email from one of my then best friends that still works there. I have kept things very bland , not indulging on the personal life etc.
So normally I would just click on Yes , accept . I loved this girl! She had my back many times! But then there is that little devil on my shoulder wondering if her intentions are pure. I admit I've added friends just so I could be nosy and snoop around there pages. As looney as it sounds, I feel if I accept an invite that I'm allowing the person into my personal space , and yes, I have spacial issues. That's putting it mildly. Well my little life has regained its course , 50 miles away , and people from years ago are slowly trickling into my friend request box . I guess its time to suck it up and be a big girl about it.


Mandy said...

I have the same problem! I was not very nice in high school, I didn't like very many people, but yet there are all these people that want to be my "friend". Are they just being nosy or have we all just grown up? Makes me wonder!

Anonymous said...

Sweetpea, you and I are so much alike, I swear. I've had the same thoughts more than once and run into similar situations. Why do you think I've hesitated to attend any of our reunions? There are so many people associated with my ex and with everything that's happened in my past...I just am seriously afraid that even though it's all over and done with, it'll come back to kick me in the gut some more...ya know? I know you do. Just remember that you never, ever HAVE to expose yourself to a situation that makes you truly uncomfortable but sometimes it's good to expand out boundaries a little. Hard call!! Luv ya!!