Thursday, September 10, 2009

a quickie catch up

Today I turned 34, not exactly a monumental moment, but not as scary as I thought. Somewhere in my mind I literally stopped aging in my mid twenties. That's another story , anywhoo... it was a marvelously fun birthday , I truly have amazing friends and family. I am blessed !
I haven't blogged much lately, the last week has been a blur, I took a giant leap of faith and withdrew Alex from public schooling and started him with online classes through Ohdela , his laptop and printer along with some books arrived today and it looks like its time to jump in the frying pan and see what I'm really made of. That is overwhelming for me to think of, I just need to have faith in myself and Alex that we can do this.
Somehow it just feels like another chapter in my life is starting, the pages have turned without my consent, but its forcing me to demand better for myself, my children, my family. So , as with everything , life moves on at its own pace and I'm hanging on for dear life .

1 comment:

Stephanie Appleton said...

We used something similar to Ohdela when we were in Ohio. We really enjoyed it. Hope it goes well for you!

And happy belated birthday?