Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I've been ever so slightly busy

Where has September gone? I just noticed I blogged twice this past month. I'd like to say I was off saving the world with my incredible super powers but alas I was only keeping my head above water most of the month. Alex has started his online courses and is off to a great start. I have to fess up and say the first week I was pretty sure I would have something resembling a nervous breakdown. Thankfully I have friends that use the same online school and came over to calm me down and walk me through it! Its taking some adjustment , but I must say he is a completely different child, blossoming in ways that make my heart sing! For that I am thankful beyond words for.
This month I've also come to terms with my weight, I'd like to announce some big old diet that's going to work wonders on me, but I'm really trying to be realistic about it. Anyone who knows my family would say that I'm pretty similar to my Aunt Katie ... round, very round. I mean that in a good way -- she is cute as a button , I just don't want to run into the same health problems she has , but its safe to say I am her . So its one day at a time, eating a balanced diet ... ( so much for my Reese cups and mt dews!! ) and learning to be more active. Gosh that's a tall order!
I hate even referring to it, it makes me ill, but to those wondering , we reported Andy's stalker to the proper people and hopefully they will take care of the rest. That's been a tough lesson to learn.
Aaron has been dragging along a low grade fever the last couple of days , I'm trying to be calm about it , the first thing my mom suggested was the swine flu. I'm not willing to go that far .. yet. Andy's seems to have taught Aaron the old " hold the thermometer on the light bulb trick .... and I keep finding him reading books with a flashlight well after bedtime. Hmmm.... I'm starting to put two and two together.
Other then the normal mumbo jumbo and adjustment to homeschooling Alex, crazy Internet predators, and a may or may not be fever ridden child.. I've scratched my way through September . On the positive side, Alex got his first deer of the season tonight and I cannot wait to get the meat back! So bring on October, it can only get better !

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