Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It has to be said

In this world of texting, blogging, facebooking, myspacing, tweeting, emailing and about a million other things , I'm sure that people have lost any common sense they may have had. People have no problem taking jabs at each other, saying things they would never say to other peoples faces, and being completely disrespectful. I've seen it in the blogs, with anonymous comments, odd facebook comments that clearly are patronizing or degrading. Emails that let loose a virtual assault on someone, or forwarding text messages that clearly should be erased asap! My problem is this, if you aren't man or woman enough to say it to my face, then don't type it, don't text it, don't tweet it. If I update my status on facebook, or myspace, don't assume you know what I'm referring to. There is no MUST LEAVE COMMENT button on facebook or myspace, sometimes its just a general reference to something going on in my mind. Honestly I think many of us have lost the human contact factor. If your not saying it in person, how do we know if its a ha..ha.. thing ... or a I'm really serious thing. I'm not sure many people take that into consideration when they are sitting behind the computer screen thinking they are being sly and smart. Maybe I'm old fashioned or a prude, but I think even though we all have this incredible freedom to communicate virtually anywhere anytime , we still owe each other respect, dignity, and common courtesies. Now ... if you'll excuse me I think I will step off my soapbox.

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