Monday, April 27, 2009

The Roundup!

Whew , the good news, I have a working washer and dryer! The dryer just needed a new heating element, and I actually found a local person selling a 2 year old front loader washing machine on eBay ! Its about a 1000.00 dollar washer that I ended up buying for less then 300! It was used by an older man and he was downsizing to an apartment and had no need for it. WOW , I have been using the heck out of it! and to make the deal sweeter, I had an 8 % percent coupon for any purchase on eBay. BONUS! It doesn't seem like much , but when your buying large ticket items. It matters!
Now the frustrating thing.... the youth baseball teams are a mess this year! Aaron had practice at 4 today which requires me to leave work earlier than normal to get him there on time, Andy needed to be in a town 30 mins away for his away game that they changed the actual start time several times within 24 hours. Kinda makes planning DIFFICULT. So the grand plan is that I'm staying with Aaron until his practice is over, Doug is taking Andy to his game (since Doug is one of the coaches it kinda works out...! ) After Aaron's practice I am also driving the 30 minutes to Andy's game ... I arrive and wait, and wait... oh yeah... I waited some more, they moved us from field to field . After being there over an hour and trying to control an out of the blue nosebleed with Aaron ( thank you Heidi for the wipes! )they cancel the game because the field we end up with has no bases, no lines, and there is no umpire. LOVELY! Not only that, when they ordered uniforms no one got the size they ordered, and the actual sponsor of Aaron's team is misspelled. Betcha that company appreciates that! Chaotic . Maybe its just me, but I've spent 75.oo for the boys to just play, sold over a 100 bucks worth of candy , completely rearranged my schedule and this is what they have created. Thank goodness Alex was along to keep moving the chairs and bags . He was a huge help tonight, he just doesn't get enough credit most of time .

Now see I've written a long ranting blog again.... I've gotta stop doing that, I had planned on posting some new baseball pics from the game... so much for that plan.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Ya gotta love youth baseball! Brandon's game last night was a total train wreak! Not because of the kids but because of the coaches! Hope the rest of the season goes a little smoother!