Sunday, April 5, 2009

Health Care ...

Tonight I watched 60 minutes. Anyone that knows me , understands that I'm passionate about health care! 60 minutes did a story on a medical facility in Nevada that actually closed the doors and turned away the cancer patients without health care due to state budget cuts . I know that I've moaned and groaned about our monthly premiums through Doug's job, on the other hand I know we are his insurance company's worst nightmare! Alex's seizure medication runs about 5,000.00 a month. That's just medication . That doesn't include EEG's , all his visits to his neurologist, or the Vagal Nerve Implant he had done in 2ND grade. The surgery for that alone was over 20,000. The battery in the implant is due to be replaced soon , its already outlasted its normal usage. The replacement battery is somewhere in the neighborhood of 10, 000. Granted his insurance has picked up a huge portion of that, but this program on 60 minutes really started making me think what if? Doug could have been one of the many cut recently at work . Yes there is a program called COBRA , even that is amazingly expensive. There is always medicaid if you fit the income guidelines. What a scary thought to not be sure we could qualify for that? - who accepts it? How can we live in the United States of America and have this health care crisis? how can we refuse to treat cancer patients ? or who knows how many other people suffering health problems? I know everyone has their own opinion on who's to blame for the crisis, and I completely acknowledge the United States still has better health care than almost any other country but for me this hits to close to home . So the next time anyone hears me complaining about the health care premiums smack me upside my head please !

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