Tuesday, March 17, 2009

general update

The last two days have been packed with appts and talking to the school about Alex's issues. I could go on , and on , and on, and on... yeah and on about the whole situation. They are completely blind to a majority of the problems happening right.under.their.noses. Having kept up a steady stream of communication with the principal for the last two years . She suddenly had no paperwork, or memory of the many things that happened. I won't go into details either, but I could have pressed charges on the kids involved. The school is now fully aware of this and if it happens or even tries to happen one more time. I'm calling the authorities. Also it seems that when they poked around for information this morning - lots of other kids spilled their beans about what they had been dealing with. I am praying for the last 2 months of school to fly by~
Alex did join the track team so lets hope that will distract him from thinking of all the other negatives he has had this year. Ironically when I returned home last night from the big pow wow with the superintendent , Andy informed me he had gotten in trouble that day for shoving another boy. I just can't win , can I? LOL.... All 3 of my boys have mind boggling personality differences. I can't figure out how the same set of parents created such 3 opposite children. Anywhoo....
Baseball Season is in full swing already ~ Andy and Aaron are starting practices soon , and with Alex running track , its going to be straight out chaos!
That's enough of the depressing , heavy hearted stuff . Spring needs to get here to stay , I feel the winds of change blowing through our house . I can't pinpoint it but the winds are picking up and things are -a- changing.


Mandy said...

You write on blog all the stuff I like to read about! Real Life! I just hate to read a blog with all the "my life is so perfect" crap. It makes us realize that there are people going through all this stuff too! Even if it isn't the same stuff.

JoAnn said...

I totally agree mandy -- I can't read those blogs that make it seem like a fairy tale... seriously! LOL~!