Sunday, March 29, 2009

a dash of this, and a dash of that......

I haven't blogged as faithfully as I'd hope for, but this past week has just been jam packed with "stuff" . So I'm just going to rattle off a few things in random order that my week consisted of or thoughts that have bounced through my head

1- I decided I wanted my nails to look *Pretty* so I had them professionally done with a french manicure... only to figure out 24 hours later , I am allergic to the glue . I broke out in the most horrendous itchy rash of my life... I'm still recovering or should I say itching.

2- I am completely irritated with the churches that knock on my door during Christmas and Easter . Where are they the rest of the year if they are so concerned with my church going ?

3- baseball season has started. I love watching Andy and Aaron play ball. However, Alex is not able to play because of his seizures ( so its the most painful time of year too )when I see him ,at 14 years old sobbing and trying to figure out why him? why he couldn't just be "normal" . I'm just going to be blunt and say this subject SUCKS . He is also realizing that he most likely will not be driving when his classmates will, if ever. I think you get the picture of the emotional level we are dealing with at this point.

4-I managed to fall , all 3,000 pounds of me , down the bowling alley over the weekend. Believe me it had to be worth seeing. Did I mention how oily those lanes are?? LOL

5- I slept till 12 Sunday! HOLY COW! that was much needed. Hats off to Dougie for keeping the boys quiet !

6- I had Alex explain a sexually explicit term ... that silly me thought was a piece of jewelry. Am I that old and out of the loop? WOW.

7- I am getting Alex ready for his wild pig hunting trip to Florida. Since I have no prior wild pig hunting experience, I'm at a loss.

8-I didn't buy a stitch of groceries this weekend, unless jelly beans count. So I'm going to have to squeeze a trip to the grocery into next week somewhere. YAY ~!

9- I have also figured out that people have gone outside their minds since our new president has taken office. Suddenly they think the most important thing he has to think about is gun control. Come on people , must we believe all those crazy forwards that seem to infiltrate every ones inbox?? I don't get into the whole political mumbo jumbo, I'm just sick of all the theories and rumors....

10- American Idol has disappointed me this week.

11- Aaron and Andy drew red mustaches and eyebrows on each other with marker. Aaron went to school with some slight shading of red mustache since I couldn't quite get it completely gone. I'm sure the teachers think I must be a nut job.

12- we have about 61 days until I have my toes in the sand. That is outstanding. I don't even have words.

13- I have the new James Patterson book burning a hole in my hand. Guess maybe I shouldn't have slept in so late and I could have started it.....

14- I decided I really hated going to wal mart -- besides the obvious, it seems like I leave there at least 100 bucks lighter every time I go. They are out to get me. Honestly. LOL

15- I also am determined to quit buying stuff that says " made in china " .....

I think that's enough for this post, if I actually put down everything that ran through my head in a weeks time we would all be in trouble <> ~!!!


Mandy said...

I think I can take a little guess as to what #6 was! LOL

Unknown said...

You FELL down the lane? (LOL) OK, give it up! I know you didn't ask him about a necklace or a ring. What was it?