Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Snow Globe

That's how my life feels right now. Like a snow globe. I'm one of those little plastic people trapped in a little world. Sometimes I wander up, tap on the glass and declare "It's time to get the heck out of here."
I'm suppose to be uber confident in this huge leap of faith and instead I find myself hanging out in my snow globe,where occasionally someone picks me up and shakes me. Snow globes are volatile. You put yourself on a shelf- available for the shaking. The rattling of the cage if you will.
Here's what I'm learning about life in the snow globe. It's largely about Faith. Faith in the prayers you've said that haven't been answered. Faith in the people who surround you in your little world and Faith that at some point, you'll get yourself out of the globe.. and everything and everyone will stop shaking. Life will be peaceful again. Until then though, and here's the hard part, you have to have Faith that you're in the right hands.

1 comment:

Stephanie Appleton said...

I don't think we are ever out of the globe. There will be quiet times where all of life seems settled, but there will always be shaking. The key is to hold on to your peace, your joy, and hope even when the blizzard is flying around you. Still figuring that one out.