Sunday, January 24, 2010

Its been a long month

I suppose this post is a long time coming. January is always a hard month for me. Its dark, the weather is nasty and for some reason, it makes me not so happy. Its been a tough month , there just isn't any other way to put it. We have had some real challenges right here in Adkins-ville. The boys must be going through a phase, a challenging mom phase. It just seems as though everyone is wound to tight, and the smallest issues turn into modern warfare. I'm hoping its a very short phase, some days I really question my sanity. I guess the burning question in mind right now is that I wonder why there are some mothers who live in complete oblivion to their own children's behaviors. I'm not trying to open a can of worms, because believe me, my boys... oh lord have mercy, They are just plain rotten sometimes. ( and that's putting it nicely ) . Perhaps I have issues when my children are corrected by other peoples mothers who don't correct their own children. Fair to say that's my pet peeve. I just had to put that one out there.
As for everything else, I'm struggling and clawing my way through a psychology course , I only have another week to go thankfully. The final paper is a 5-8 page paper on myself. I really think they should have picked a different subject. I am having a terrible time writing about myself. Blah!
So as negative as this post may seem , I truly am thankful for all my friends who have dragging me and my debbie downer attitude along the way.

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