Sunday, November 22, 2009

Big Decisions

Leave it to Dr Seuss to give me a quote to remember ..
" sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers simple "
Maybe that makes it harder for me, I tend to believe there isn't ever a simple answer . I over think, over analyze, lets face it... I'm over the top sometimes. Which brings me to whats been going on these days. First , Doug and I have both started back to school. We have a long road to go, but its a start. We are both taking classes for Social Sciences but intend on using them in different ways.
Second, I'm thinking that somewhere in the near future I am sending Alex back to public school. I know .. * gasp * just the thought makes me break out in a sweat, just knowing how nasty some of the kids can be to him. I suppose my thought process with this is a bit all over, but , he asked if he could go back , he misses some friends and the routine. He is one of those that thrives on routine. The online school he is with , is not to gung-ho on routine. The teachers aren't readily accessible , and he is not thriving at all. I don't know that shoving him back into the old grind is the answer, so I plan on having a meeting with the powers that be to see if we can accommodate him a bit more. We will see. I know in the past I've been to stand offish with his teachers. Not so much these days.
The other decision we are making is to spend Christmas at the beach this year. Nothing extravagant, a simple condo with an indoor pool and all the goodies. A 4 night stay, not an entire week. Enough to get away and relax. My side of the family is not into the whole Christmas thing. In fact I am probably the only one on my side of the family that puts up a tree. Doug's family probably won't even notice we are gone , not that I'm saying that in a negative way, more like we all get caught up in our own mumbo jumbo and tend to forget each other sometimes. Nothing like a little Christmas Cheer these days...LOL. Maybe that's why I just wanted my boys to have a memorable Christmas , not with gifts , but memories.
Yes sometimes the answers are so simple. I just have a hard time accepting them.


Mandy said...

I say spend Christmas at the beach! Alot of my family is at each others throats so it would be nice just to up and get away for a while! Good luck with everything else!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a perfect idea :)
As for school, have they ever done an MFE (multi-factored evaluation) on Alex before? Wasn't sure if we'd talked about that or not. It's a series of tests they do to see if there's anything kicking with a kiddo that might inhibit his educational possibilities...Asperger's qualified Trev for a "safety net" plan called a 504 (a lighter version of an IEP) that just sets things up in case he needs them: smaller group for test-taking, go-to people for anxiety or social issues, etc.
Let me know if I can help with any info!!!
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

The beach sounds great! The boys will have the memories for years -presents only last a short time.
