Sunday, November 8, 2009

Friends & Family

Not long ago , someone had a conversation with me about family, this person told me how over the years she had learned that family is important but there are times, that its the family you make outside your family, that matters just as much. Not that she was saying family doesn't matter . Family always matters but choosing our battles can be so important. I can't say that I have much experience with extended family, a huge portion of family on both my parents sides are Amish. I've always regretted not having a closer relationship with them , my best guess is that I have over a hundred first cousins. Some of it I chalk up to crazy religious beliefs the Amish have when you leave the church, and some of it just a lack of effort on my part. Lately though I've been thinking about the friends I have made over the years , the ones that have stuck with me for years and years and the new ones I've made in the last year. I'm so appreciative of them, I find myself thinking I take so much from them and don't give back nearly enough. I'm not an easy person to know, I have lots of fences and walls that I keep people at bay with , but the friends that have dared to stick with me are amazing. I suppose you could say I've developed a new appreciation, a new respect, a new realization for those amazing people in my life, family or not.


Anonymous said...

Seriously, I've started a comment on this particular entry of yours probably 4 times and ended up deleting because it started to look like a book.
I also tend to keep people at arm's length. Not sure why but I do and that's resulted in one lonely Nixter. I've improved in the last year or so but I still have a lot of work to do in identifying my walls and breaking away at them. I've known you longer than anyone else in my life (except my ex! and my crazy family lol) and I'm so glad we're still friends. I'm always here for you, and I think we just keep growing along side one another :) Love you bunches and I can't wait for our annual shopping trip! We need to do a fancy ladies lunch too! LOL

JoAnn said...

that is soooo why we "get" each other ;o)

JoAnn said...
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