Monday, July 19, 2010

The last few weeks

The last month has been like a roller coaster. I believe the last time I blogged it was about our hospital stay with Alex. I'm crazy-scared-pretty-sure-i'm-jinxing-myself by saying this but the new medications have cut Alex's seizures drastically. I say this with hesitation because we have tried medications that have been super for the first 3 months and then lost their effect. For now I'm taking this as a small victory. woot-woot :o)
This last week my Uncle Paul passed away. My extended family dynamics are a bit odd. Both sides of my family are of course Amish. I do have some Aunts and Uncles scattered throughout that are not Amish. My Uncle Paul was not Amish. I have ALOT of Uncles. I can count on one hand the number of Aunts and Uncles that I actually have a relationship with. Uncle Paul was one of them. To be honest , I haven't actually met all my Aunts/Uncles/Cousins. I bet your wishing I would get to the point :o)
My point is that I seriously treasure any relationship I have with my extended family. My Uncle Paul was one of those people you only had to meet once and you would never forget him. He had the biggest grin, and an incurable sense of humor. He had a way of touching people's lives without even knowing it. He had the most extraordinary sense of adventure and ability to live his life without fences. Anything was possible. I really want more of that inside me. His memorial service was perfect, just the way he would have wanted it. He will be missed by so many.
On a different note, as you know our black lab "sheba" passed away earlier this year. She was Alex's dog and in training to be his companion dog. Low and behold someone we know had a loved one pass away, leaving behind a 1 1/2 year old chocolate lab. Our friends traveled to Canada to pick up "Ruger" and bring him back for Alex. Ruger is an awesome dog, he fetches, he swims, he does all kinds of tricks. He bonded with Alex like he had known him all his life. Awww shucks <3 to sweet!
I guess I will wrap this one up. Its been a summer full of surprises, trials, and chaos. This is how we grow ...right?!


Stephanie Appleton said...

I don't know about you, but I could do without any more "growth" this year.

Where are the pictures of the new dog?

Anonymous said...

Supposedly, this is how we grow :) Let's hope we grow in other ways, that create less pain along the way! Miss you, chica.